
The database and the research modules produced several studies in the fields of archaeology, ancient history, biblical studies, and history of religions focusing on diverse issues. Below, publications related to the project are listed by year and primary author’s last name.


Keel, Othmar, and Stefan Münger. 2025. “Stamp Seal-Amulets.” In Tel Dover (Khirbet Ed-Duweir) on the Yarmuk River: The Late Bronze and Iron Age Levels, edited by Amir Golani and Samuel R. Wolff (Ägypten Und Altes Testament 130). Münster: Zaphon, 115–119.


Ben-Marzouk, Nadia, and Ben Greet. 2024. Scratching the Surface of Middle Bronze Age Scarabs: Investigating Enigmatic Marks on Stamp Seals from Lachish and Megiddo. Near Eastern Archaeology 87 (1): 42–52.

Beuthe, Tatjana. 2024. Making a Good Impression: A Typology of Mounted Seal Impressions in the Middle Bronze Age Southern Levant. Near Eastern Archaeology 87 (1): 26–31.

Biermann, Bruno. 2024. “Beyond Binaries in Biblical Studies and Levantine Archaeology: Challenging Binary Binds in Epigraphy and Iconography.” In Challenging Dichotomies and Biases in the Study of the Ancient Southern Levant, edited by Bruno Biermann, Silas Klein Cardoso, Fabio Porzia, and Christoph Uehlinger, 97–111. Die Welt Des Orients. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2024.

———. 2024b. “Male until Proven Otherwise?”: Searching for Women with the Help of Inscribed Stamp Seals from Jerusalem. Near Eastern Archaeology 87 (1): 32–40.

Biermann, Bruno, Silas Klein Cardoso, Fabio Porzia, and Christoph Uehlinger, eds. Challenging Dichotomies and Biases in the Study of the Ancient Southern Levant. Die Welt Des Orients. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2024.

Biermann, Bruno, Silas Klein Cardoso, Fabio Porzia, and Christoph Uehlinger. 2024. “Introduction: Challenging Dichotomies and Biases in the Study of the Ancient Southern Levant.” In Challenging Dichotomies and Biases in the Study of the Ancient Southern Levant, edited by Bruno Biermann, Silas Klein Cardoso, Fabio Porzia, and Christoph Uehlinger, 6–18. Die Welt Des Orients. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2024.

Greet, Ben. 2024. “Powerful ‘Localisms’: Interconnecting Imperial, Regional, and Local Expressions in Persian-Period Glyptic East of the Jordan River.” In Transjordan and the Southern Levant: New Approaches Regarding the Iron Age and the Persian Period from Hebrew Bible Studies and Archaeology, edited by Benedikt Hensel, 263-310. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Hayon, Offry, Stefan Münger, Ilan Shimshoni and Ayellet Tal. 2024. “ArcAid: Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts Using Drawings.” In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV): 7264-7274. Download

Klein Cardoso, Silas. 2024. “A delimitação de imagens na exegese bíblica.” Estudos Bíblicos 39 (Arqueologia e Novo Testamento) (148): 173–204.

———. 2024b. As formas das deusas da antiga Palestina/Israel: Padrões de representação iconográfica de deusas no Período do Ferro. Revista de Interpretação Bíblica Latino-Americana 92 (Diosas, Brujas y Profetisas): 75–94.

———. 2024c. “Beyond the Image-Text Divide: In Search of a Multidimensional Approach to Visual Artifacts and Biblical Texts.” In Challenging Dichotomies and Biases in the Study of the Ancient Southern Levant, edited by Bruno Biermann, Silas Klein Cardoso, Fabio Porzia, and Christoph Uehlinger, 19–40. Die Welt Des Orients. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2024.

Koch, Ido. 2024. A New Look at Late Iron Age Glyptics from Judah. Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 13 (1): 6–32.

Porzia, Fabio. 2024. “Beyond Ethnicity: Outline of a Renewed Approach to the Levantine Divine Landscape.” In Challenging Dichotomies and Biases in the Study of the Ancient Southern Levant, edited by Bruno Biermann, Silas Klein Cardoso, Fabio Porzia, and Christoph Uehlinger, 58–78. Die Welt Des Orients. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2024.

———. 2024b. Religion(s) in Seals: Old and New Challenges. Near Eastern Archaeology 87 (1): 4–13.

Ranzer, Noa, Yuval Gadot, and Ido Koch. 2024. The Production of Middle Bronze Age Steatite Scarabs from the Southern Levant: A Chaîne Opératoire Approach. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 41: 66–94.

Ranzer, Noa. 2024. Stamp Seals as Jewelry: Identifying Body Ornaments through Seal Impressions. Near Eastern Archaeology 87 (1): 20–25.

Schroer, Silvia. 2024. Die Ikonographie Palästinas/Israels Und Der Alte Orient: Eine Religionsgeschichte in Bildern (IPIAO) in Review. Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 13 (1): 158.

Uehlinger, Christoph. 2024. Mastering the Seven-Headed Serpent: A Stamp Seal from Hazor Provides a Missing Link between Cuneiform and Biblical Mythology. Near Eastern Archaeology 87 (1): 14–19.

———. 2024b. “Beyond the ‘Biblical World’ Paradigm: Reflections on a Problematic Concept.” In Challenging Dichotomies and Biases in the Study of the Ancient Southern Levant, edited by Bruno Biermann, Silas Klein Cardoso, Fabio Porzia, and Christoph Uehlinger, 129–46. Die Welt Des Orients. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2024.


Ben-Marzouk, Nadia. 2023. Some Highlights in Local versus Regional Glyptic Consumption in the Southern Levant during the Iron I. Near Eastern Archaeology 86 (4): 292–301.

Ben-Marzouk, Nadia, Bruno Biermann, Renate Fahrni, Ben Greet, Felix Höflmayer, Noa Ranzer, Katharina Streit, and Stefan Münger. 2023. “On vultures’ wings…”: A Recent Find from Tel Lachish (Israel) Displaying a Vulture, a Caprid, a Snake and a Twig.” In „Trinkt von dem Wein, den ich mischte!” / “Drink of the wine which I have mingled!”: Festschrift für Silvia Schroer zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Stefan Münger, Nancy Rahn and Patrick Wyssmann, 50–69. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 303. Leuven, Paris, Bristol, CT: Peeters.

Greet, Ben. 2023. New Precedents and Insights from Stamp Seal Photography. Near Eastern Archaeology 86 (4): 284–90.

Klein Cardoso, Silas. 2023a. The Genesis of Iconographic Exegesis. Currents in Biblical Research 21 (2): 178–217.

———. 2023b. Loosening religion. O que torna um artefato ‘religioso’ na história da religião sul-levantina? Reflexão48 (e237246): 1–21.

———. 2023c. Handling Artifacts from a Distance: Assessing Museums’ Digital Collections. Forum Exegese Und Hochschuldidaktik: Verstehen von Anfang An 7 (1): 86–91.

———. 2023d. A Tale of Twelve Thousand Cards: Stamp Seals’ Scholarship History with Social-Material Lenses. Near Eastern Archaeology 86 (4): 266–73.

———. 2023e. “Liminal Device\s.” In „Trinkt von dem Wein, den ich mischte!” / “Drink of the wine which I have mingled!”: Festschrift für Silvia Schroer zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Stefan Münger, Nancy Rahn and Patrick Wyssmann, 270–286. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 303. Leuven, Paris, Bristol, CT: Peeters.

Koch, Ido. 2023a. “A New Kingdom Scarab from Tel Azekah, Israel, Depicting a Nursing Gazelle.” In Von Elephantine Bis Ugarit: Festschrift Für Hanna Jenni, edited by Rita Gautschy, Nesina Grütter, and Matthias Müller, 31–38. Ägypten Und Altes Testament 116. Münster: Zaphon.

———. 2023b. “Collapse and Regeneration in Iron I Southwest Canaan.” In From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant, edited by Ido Koch, Oded Lipschits, and Omer Sergi, 209–233  Mosaics, Studies on Ancient Israel 3. University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns; Tel Aviv: Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University.

———. 2023c. “Deities, Ostriches, and Asterisms in the Desert Sky of the Southern Levant.” In „Trinkt von dem Wein, den ich mischte!” / “Drink of the wine which I have mingled!”: Festschrift für Silvia Schroer zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Stefan Münger, Nancy Rahn and Patrick Wyssmann, 287–304. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 303. Leuven, Paris, Bristol, CT: Peeters.

———. 2023d. “Sacred Architecture in Iron II Southern Levant.” In The Bloomsbury Handbook of Material Religion in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, edited by N. Laneri and S. R. Steadman. 189–199. London: Bloomsbury.

Levy, Eythan. 2023a. Hebrew Seals: Updated Corpus and Typology. Near Eastern Archaeology 86 (4): 302–10.

———. 2023b. “Quantitative Thoughts on Provenanced Hebrew Seals.” In „Trinkt von dem Wein, den ich mischte!” / “Drink of the wine which I have mingled!”: Festschrift für Silvia Schroer zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Stefan Münger, Nancy Rahn and Patrick Wyssmann, 305–316. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 303. Leuven, Paris, Bristol, CT: Peeters.

Münger, Stefan, Nadia Ben-Marzouk, Ben Greet, and Ido Koch. 2023. The Corpus of Stamp Seals from the Southern Levant Database: A New Research Tool for Glyptic Studies. Near Eastern Archaeology 86 (4): 274–83.

Solodenko-Vernovsky, Natasha, Noa Ranzer, Alex Kuklin, Inbar Meyerson, Evgeny Gasin, and Ido Koch. 2023. Leave your Stamp: Reconstruction of the Scarab Production Chain. EXARC Journal 2023/1.

Tucci, Giulia. 2023. The Appeal of Subjugation. Artistic Evidence of Pharaoh’s Propaganda in the Southern Levant During the 18th–20th Dynasties. Kervan – International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies 27: 79–107.

Uehlinger, Christoph. 2023a. Honoring a Legacy, Inviting a New Generation: A Very Brief Introduction to the Stamp Seals from the Southern Levant Project. Near Eastern Archaeology 86 (4): 256–65.

———. 2023b. “Visual Culture and Religion in Ancient Israel and Judah.” In The Ancient Israelite World, edited by Kyle H. Keimer and George A. Pierce, 434–63. Routledge Worlds. London: Routledge.

Uehlinger Christoph, Ariel Winderbaum, and Yeḥiel Zelinger. “A Seventh-Century BCE Cylinder Seal from Jerusalem Depicting Worship of the Moon God’s Cult Emblem.” In „Trinkt von dem Wein, den ich mischte!” / “Drink of the wine which I have mingled!”: Festschrift für Silvia Schroer zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Stefan Münger, Nancy Rahn and Patrick Wyssmann, 552–590. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 303. Leuven, Paris, Bristol, CT: Peeters.


Eggler, Jürg, and Christoph Uehlinger. 2022. “Seal/s and Sealing/s.” In Encyclopedia of Material Culture in the Biblical World: A New Biblisches Reallexikon, edited by Angelika Berlejung, 832–61. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Klein Cardoso, Silas. 2022. “O exegeta como texto: Per/mutações do conceito de religião na História da Religião do Sul do Levante a partir da Escola de Friburgo.” In Ciências da Religião e Teologia: epistemologia, identidade e relações, edited by Sandra Duarte de Souza, 201–35. São Paulo: Recriar.

Koch, Ido. 2022a. Human–Animal Encounters on Early Iron Age Stamp Seals. Near Eastern Archaeology 85 (4): 296–305.

———. 2022b. “Israel and Assyria, Judah and Assyria.” In The Ancient Israelite World, edited by Kyle H. Keimer and George A. Pierce, 693–712. London: Routledge.

Münger, Stefan. 2022. “Judäo-Israelitische Knochensiegel Der Eisenzeit II – Ägyptische Ikonographie Und Kanaanäisches Erbe.” In Egypt and the Hebrew Bible – Proceedings of the Conference Celebrating 40 Years ÄAT, Munich, 6–7 Dec. 2019, edited by Stefan J. Wimmer and Wolfgang Zwickel, 45–58. Ägypten Und Altes Testament 100. Münster: Zaphon.

Münger, Stefan, and Shirly Ben-Dor Evian. 2022. “Stamp-Seal Amulets.” In Megiddo VI: The 2010-2014 Seasons, edited by Israel Finkelstein, Mario A. S. Martin, Matthew J. Adams, Eran Arie, and Assaf Kleiman, 3:1302–26. Monograph Series / Tel Aviv University. Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology 41. University Park, Pennsylvania; Tel Aviv, Israel: Eisenbrauns; Emery and Claire Yass Publications in Archaeology, Tel Aviv University.

Münger, Stefan, and Liat Weinblum. 2022. “The Archaeological Documentation System DANA (Digital Archaeology and National Archives): A View from the Field.” In Material, Method, and Meaning: Papers in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology in Honor of Ilan Sharon, edited by Sveta Matskevich, Naama Yahalom-Mack, and Davidovich, Uri, 85–97. Ägypten Und Altes Testament 110. 

Tucci, Giulia. 2022. “Religious syncretism and control over the territory: Pharaohs in Southern Levant during the Late Bronze Age.” In M. Kõiv, U. Nõmmik, V. Sazonov (eds.), Power and (op)position in the Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean World, Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28, 41-5.

Uehlinger, Christoph. 2022a. “Soziomorphie der Götterwelt: Überlegungen im Anschluss an ein altsyrisches Zylindersiegel.” In Menschsein in Weisheit und Freiheit: Festschrift für Thomas Krüger, edited by Veronika Bachmann, Annette Schellenberg, and Frank Ueberschaer, 411–39. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 296. Leuven: Peeters.

———, ed. 2022b. “Stamp Seals from the Southern Levant (CRSII5_186426).” Interim Report. Zurich: University of Zurich, University of Bern, Tel Aviv University, Swiss National Science Foundation.

———. 2022c. “Visual Culture and Religion in Ancient Israel and Judah.” In The Ancient Israelite World, edited by Kyle H. Keimer and George A. Pierce, 434–63. London: Routledge.


Greet, Ben. 2021. “Waterfowl Imagery in the Material Culture of the Late Second Millennium BC Southern Levant.” In Fierce Lions, Angry Mice and Fat-Tailed Sheep: Animal Encounters in the Ancient Near East, edited by Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository, Laerke Recht, and Christina Tsouparopoulou, 207–21. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.

Klein Cardoso, Silas. 2021a. Exegese Iconográfica: uma brevíssima introdução. Caminhando 26: 1–26.

———. 2021b. “Para desvendar o mundo bíblico: entre linhas e pressupostos.” In Para estudar a Bíblia: abordagens e métodos, edited by João Leonel and Marcelo da Silva Carneiro, 83–111. São Paulo: Recriar.

———. 2021c. Sotaques do poder: recombinações visuais e os fundamentos do imaginário régio judaíta. Caminhando 26: 1–21.

———. 2021d. A casa de Saul e suas divindades. Estudos Bíblicos 37 (December): 289–305.

Koch, Ido. 2021. Colonial Encounters in Southwest Canaan During the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 119. Leiden, Boston: Brill.

Koch, Ido, and Oded Lipschits. 2021. Stamp-Jars from Judah: Official Pictorial and Textual Language. Judaïsme Ancien – Ancient Judaism 9 (January): 287–312.

Schroer, Silvia. 2021a. “Cult and War: Contributions of Iconography to a Gender-Oriented Exegesis of Prophecy.” In Prophecy and Gender in the Hebrew Bible, edited by L. Juliana Claassens and Irmtraud Fischer, 47–73. Bible and Women, 1.2. Atlanta: SBL Press.

———. 2021b. “Were Goddesses Already Worshipped in the Early Chalcolithic Period?” In From Stone Age to Stellenbosch: Studies on the Ancient Near East in Honour of Izak (Sakkie) Cornelius, edited by Renate M. van Dijk-Coombes, Liani C. Swanepoel, and Gideon Kotzé, 11–17. Ägypten Und Altes Testament 107. Münster: Zaphon.

———. 2021c. The Continuity of the Canaanite Glyptic Tradition into the Iron Age I–IIA. Jerusalem Journal of Archaeology 1 (June): 482–502.

Uehlinger, Christoph. 2021. “Material Religion in Comparative Perspective : How Different Is BCE from CE?” In Imagining the Divine : Art in Religions of Late Antiquity across Eurasia, edited by Jaś Elsner and Rachel Wood, 155–75. Research Publication 234. London: British Museum.


Klein Cardoso, Silas. 2020a. “Culturas materiais e visuais das religiões do livro: o caso do ‘Antigo Israel.’” In Religião e Cultura Visual no Brasil: desafios e métodos, edited by Kátia Marly Leite Mendonça, Helmut Renders, and Etienne Alfred Higuet, 23–51. Ciências da Religião 1. Belém: EDUEPA.

———. 2020b. Amuletos como mídia: poder estampado em ossos e o ‘antigo Israel.’ Caminhando 25 (1): 141–61.

———. 2020c. Templos da Casa de Saul? Dissonâncias entre o registro bíblico e material. Caminhando 25 (2): 55–76.

———. 2020d. The Goddesses and Gods of Saul. Pistis & Práxis 12 (2): 352–70.

———. 2020e. Rock, Papyrus, Scissors: Antidisciplinarity and Exegesis. Teocomunicação (Online) 50 (2): 1–13.

Koch, Ido. 2020. Southern Levantine Temples during the Iron Age II: Towards a Multivocal Narrative. Judaïsme Ancien – Ancient Judaism 8 (January): 325–44.

Schroer, Silvia. 2020. “Tiere und ihre Symbolik im Alten Testament.” In Christus in natura: Quellen, Hermeneutik und Rezeption des Physiologus, edited by Zbyněk Kindschi Garský and Rainer Hirsch-Luipold, 55–62. Studies of the Bible and Its Reception 11. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.

Schroer, Silvia, and Stefan Münger. 2020. Stempelsiegel aus Palästina/Israel: ein altes und neues Projekt und seine Bedeutung für die Religionsgeschichte. Konstruktiv. Theologisches aus Bern.

Tucci, Giulia. 2020. Dynamics and Internationalism during the Late Bronze Age: Circulation of Raw Materials and Production between the Western Basin of the Indian Ocean and the Southern Levant. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, no. 29/1 (December).